Monday, 23 August 2010

My inital reaction to e-books was that I didn't think I would ever what to read a book on a screen but with devlopemnt of e-book readers , i-phones and i-pads my view is changing. I don't think I would ever read more that a page or two on an i-phone they are just too small, but I popped into the apple store and played with an i-pad and suddenly it seemed much more feasible. I don't think think I would change the way I read novels (in bed, in the bath, by the pool etc etc) but to be able research on a laptop etc and be able to dip into a chapter here and there must be so much more convenient than lugging a sackful of books where ever you go.
Just spent an interesting 40min with an Anne and Eileen Following that Journal. Wow I didn't realise how complex it is to to either obtain or to cancel a title. It seems unfortunately that libraries are at the beck and call of the publishers who in these lean times are after all the profit they can get. It seems crazy that we have to continue to take journals that are no longer relevant and are unable to obtain those that are. It was good to be reminded that there is more than just registering journal issues as they come in. Ordering , payments, cataloguing and claiming all require time and expertise.